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A line counter reel measures the length of line you should let out. Many veteran anglers pairs the line counter reel with a lure depth chart for maximum efficiency.
Monofilament and fluorocarbon leaders tippet, tapered leaders, and specialty leaders are pretty standard. But a salmon steelhead leader should do a perfect job when trolling for salmon.
For trolling rods, look for a longer, more robust, and more flexible option. Its length needs to be around 10’6″ (at least 8’6″), and the line rating has to fall within 15 to 30 lbs.
There’s a tendency that the hook (particularly the tine) won’t even penetrate a salmon’s jaw. So, if you are trolling for King Salmon, getting a bigger hook size is always the better choice.
The most common lure when trolling for salmon is a flasher with a hoochie. You can also add some cut plug batfish (herring) to make it more enticing.
Downriggers have a weighted line which you can retrieve by an electric motor or a manual crank. Their job is to sink your trolling rig and bait the fish to a particular depth by joining it to a big weighted line.