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Fish Anatomy 101: Internal and External Parts of a Fish

You are probably aware that fish comes in different colors, sizes, and have parts like the gills, fins, and scales. But, do you know that there are unique parts of a fish?

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If not, here’s a lesson about fish anatomy and how these appendages work together to make fish a fish.

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What Are the External Parts of a Fish?

The external anatomy of a fish includes the mouth, scales, fins, nares, eyes, and gills. However, you should know that some have more external parts.

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1. Lateral Line

This is a visible line running down the fish’s length, consisting of fluid-filled sacs and hair-like elements that open to the water through microscopic holes.

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2. Mouth

Fish uses the mouth for feeding purposes. The mouth’s shape, size, and placement speak more about their feeding habits.

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3. Nares

Although fish don’t breathe through noses, they have a pair of nostrils called nares, which detects odors in the water. Fish use their sense of smell to locate a mate, detect chemicals in the water and predators.

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4. Kidneys

As in other vertebrates, fish have a kidney whose primary function is to excrete nitrogenous waste. It filters out liquid waste from the blood, which later passes out of the body.

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5. Liver

The fish liver produces fluids like albumin and bile that aid in digestion. It also removes toxins from the food consumed and cleans the bloodstream

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